Christ on the Sea of Galilee, Delacroix Jigsaw Puzzle
Use arrow keys to move the camera or activate the joystick from the menu.
You can zoom from the menu or press keyboard keys "Q" and "A".
To change the number of pieces select the horizontal and vertical amount from the menu and then press "Create".
The Blue Boat, Winslow HomerThe Blue Boat, Winslow Homer
My daughter in the living room, Antonio Ortiz EchagüeMy daughter in the living room, Antonio Ortiz Echagüe
Portrait of young woman, Albert EdelfeltPortrait of young woman, Albert Edelfelt
The The "Piebald" Horse, Paulus Potter
A Village Street, Wassily KandinskyA Village Street, Wassily Kandinsky
The Cigarette, Henri LebasqueThe Cigarette, Henri Lebasque
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